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Rocam (意大利丽金牌)

优势品牌。公司经销代理意大利ROCAM西餐厅用品,价格优惠, 更多产品型号价格请咨询客服。
Rocam was born in a basement in the hinterland of Milan in April 1974 by an intuition of its founder Ezio Rastelli. The economic boom of those years together with a growing appearance of canteens, bars and restaurants had, in fact, created the need for a comfortable and fast moving of meals during business lunch breaks. Thus the first steel service trolley entirely made by hand.
All this is the proof of a continued commitment and effort that during the years has collected the trust and the satisfaction of customers and partners around the world, with the desire to continue to learn and be the best every single day, with you and for you.
Rocam于1974年4月在其创始人Ezio Rastelli的直觉下诞生于米兰腹地的地下室。 事实上,那些年的经济繁荣以及食堂、酒吧和餐馆的出现越来越多,这就产生了在商务午休期间舒适、快速地进餐的需求。 因此,第一辆完全由手工制作的钢制服务手推车。
所有这一切都证明了持续的承诺和努力,多年来赢得了全球客户和合作伙伴的信任和满意,渴望每天继续学习并成为最好的,与您一起并为您服务 .
官方网站: http://zhaocaimall.com/brand.php?id=220
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